DynoDrive is an advanced feature, available exclusively with Alientech Suite and KESS3, that allows you to calculate and verify performance while driving your vehicle. It is a one-time activation and there are no additional annual fees. Activations can even take place on an account with an already expired subscription. Configure KESS3 Master or Slave by adding DynoDrive activation, or get KESS3 hardware only with DynoDrive activation, thus configuring the tool even just to handle power tests.
The D800 is OBDSTAR's next-generation device for intelligent diagnostics of marine vehicles (watercraft/outboard engines/generators). Based on the Samsung Exynos processor, the device features an 8-inch display that runs extremely fast and smooth. The D800 uses the latest APK 3.0 platform and has shortcut features such as automatic identification, smart download and one-click feedback. The hardware, with its quick update capability and built-in support materials, is a good tool for maintenance engineers. Available configurations: D800 A+B: Watercraft + Outboard Engines D800 C+D: Inboard Engines + Generators
Brak na magazynieEDC17CV52 Bench Cable Harnessfor use with a flasher tool. Used to easily connect directly to ECUs without the risk of bending pins, eliminates pinout issues, and also saves a lot of time.