Brak na magazynieGodiag FEM/ BDC programming test platform is a dedicated device developed for BMW locksmiths, maintenance engineers and FEM/ BDC programming engineers.
The Gysflash 100-12 H/F is an Inventer technology stabilised power supply with 5 functions: - Charging batteries using a device with an advanced load curve - Supporting 12V batteries, gel or liquid, during diagnostic work - Supports batteries in show cars during showroom - In "battery change" mode, the unit maintains the vehicle's electrical power supply to preserve settings and memory data. - Stabilised high-power supply with adjustable maximum voltage and current. Included 5m cables!
Brak na magazynieGYS GYSFLASH 101.12 CNT - 12V 100A 026988 101-12 CNT 5m cable is an Inventer technology stabilised power supply with 5 functions: - Charging batteries using a device with an advanced load curve - Supporting 12V batteries, gel or liquid, during diagnostic work - Supports batteries in show cars during showroom - In "battery change" mode, the unit maintains the vehicle's electrical power supply to preserve settings and memory data. - Stabilised high-power supply with adjustable maximum voltage and current.
Specifically designed to be fitted on a wall or on a car lift, the vertical GYSFLASH 102.12 is a very powerful inverter battery charger able to supply up to 100A. The GYSFLASH 102.12 will keep the battery’s voltage perfectly stable at 12V during the diagnostic phases. It will deliver the best charging cycle recommended for the maintenance of the most advanced vehicles on the market.
Gysflash XL cart including power supply Gysflash 100-12 H/F is a stabilized power supply of Inventer technology with 5 functions: - Charging batteries using a device with an advanced load curve - Supports 12V batteries, gel or liquid, during diagnostic work - Supports batteries in show cars during Showroom - In "battery change" mode, the device sustains the vehicle's electrical power supply to preserve settings and memory data. - Stabilized high-power power supply with adjustable maximum voltage and current. Includes 5m connection cables
DynoDrive is an advanced feature, available exclusively with Alientech Suite and KESS3, that allows you to calculate and verify performance while driving your vehicle. It is a one-time activation and there are no additional annual fees. Activations can even take place on an account with an already expired subscription. Configure KESS3 Master or Slave by adding DynoDrive activation, or get KESS3 hardware only with DynoDrive activation, thus configuring the tool even just to handle power tests.
Brak na magazynieZestaw zawiera:
- hamownię drogową DynoPRO
- wagę bezprzewodową najazdową PROFORM do 3200 kg