Orange-5 Programmer

Orange-5 Programmer

2,438.21 netto(without VAT)

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Is a professional general purpose programming device for memory and microcontrollers. Unique feature of the current series programmers is built-in macrolanguage for writing down protocols, which gives fast and easy capability to add new types of ICs, precisely meeting manufacturers’ requirements to read/write algorithms.

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Orange-5 Programmer

Helpful for programming motorola memory and processors. Allows the addition of micro-type schemes, meeting manufacturers’ requirements for writing and reading algorithms.

Technical specifications

– USB connector (USB 2.0)-enables connection and power supply.
-ZIF16 panel for EEPROM memory
-Provides pin controls on the sockets
-Has two expansion connectors compatible with Omega MTRK and Orange4
-Provides overcurrent protection
-Provides voltage overload protection
– Equipped with two types of power supply: standard(USB) and extended (USB external power supply)
– Three adjustable voltages and control of power supply voltage(2.0…5.0V), programming voltage(2.0..21.0 V) plus additional fixed 10V for microcontrollers
-Able to functionally emulate USB CDC devices
-Built-in 32-bit virtual machine
-Supported interfaces: I2C, SPI, MicroWire, JTAG, UART, BDM, ISO7816, K-LINE (via adapter), CAN (via adapter)


Orange5 programming

– Buffer size(Maximum ~32mb )
– Ability to create custom HPL modules
– Editing of 8 and 16 bits of hexadecimal values, as well as ASCII.
– Support for multiple configuration files
– Extended set of buffer operations
– Automatic writing of backups
– Reading and writing of files in BIN, HEX, and S19 formats
– Visual comparison mode with value highlighting
– Save all layouts and selected area
– Works under Windows 7/XP (32bit)
– Activations : motorola processors, TMS chips

The adapters for Orange5 are included:

Adapter PIC AVR PIC12,PIC16, Atmel AVR

Adapter 05BP2

68HC05B6/HC05B8/HC05B16 oraz 68HC705B16/HC705B32 (PLCC52)

Adapter CAN K-Line

Interfejsy CAN oraz K-Line

Adapter SO8/TSOP8

SMD 93xx, 24xx, 25xx

Adapter Pomona Soic8

24cxx, 93cxx, 35cxx
Adapter 05BXQ64
MCU 68HC05B16/B32, 68HC05X16/X32 QFP64
Adapter 705E6 MCU 68HC705E6/HC05P3/HC705P3 SOIC28 and QFP44 (solder). Switching between the 05P3 and 705P3/E6 jumper on the board.
Adapter 912B MCU 912B32,BC32,BE32 QFP80 (solder)

Adapter 912Q

MCU 912Dxxx QFP80,QFP112 

Adapter 908 AZ

MCU 68HC908AZ32/AZ60/AS60 QFP64

Adapter 9S12Q

MCU 9S12Dxxx QFP80,QFP112

Adapter 9S12H

Adapter 11KA MCU 68HC11K/KA QFP

Adapter 11PA8

MCU 68HC11PA8 and 68HC11E9/E20 QFP64
Adapter 05H12 MCU 68HC05H12 (PLCC52)
Adapter 11EP52 For MCU 68HC(7)11A1,A8,E9,E20 (PLCC52)
Adapter 11F1 MCU 68HC11F1 PLCC68
Adapter 11L6 MCU 68HC11L6 PLCC68
Adapter 11EA9 MCU 68HC11EA9 (PLCC52)

Adapter 11KAP68



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