
  • DP4 Package Premium

    33,970.59 netto(without VAT)

    Dostepne w 3 dni / Available in 3 days

    DP4 Pakiet Premium. DiagProg4 – PACKAGE PREMIUM that is Hardware and Software. . Programs in the Premium package support 4500 vehicle modules.

    DP4 Pakiet Premium. DiagProg4 – PACKAGE PREMIUM that is Hardware and Software. . Programs in the Premium package support 4500 vehicle modules.
  • Easy Connect Immo

    203.25 netto(without VAT)

    Dostępne w 3 dni / Available in 3 days

    Easy Immo - Easy Connect Receiving and transmitting antenna to work with the immobilizer and keys on the table.

    Easy Immo - Easy Connect Receiving and transmitting antenna to work with the immobilizer and keys on the table.
  • Easy Connect Repeater

    381.30 netto(without VAT)

    Dostępny w 3 dni / Avaliable in 3 days

    Offer is for the Repeater unit alone, Easy Connect master unit not included

    Offer is for the Repeater unit alone, Easy Connect master unit not included
  • Sale!

    Flex MASTER – FULL SW Package + ToolCase FLX8.31

    Original price was: 25,203.25zł.Current price is: 22,357.72zł. netto(without VAT)

    Cena ważna do wyczerpania zapasów 2024 roku /Price valid until stocks last 2024

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with all available protocols in Master mode. The successor of the X17 device allows ...

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with all available protocols in Master mode. The successor of the X17 device allows reading the contents of the controller's memory both through the OBD connector, in the Bench and Boot modes. The basic function of the device is to read and write flash and eeprom memory, as well as full cloning of engine and transmission controllers. Ultimately, all protocols currently supported by the X17 module will be transferred.
  • Flex MASTER FULL + set BDM Frame, ECU opener and BOOTMODE noodles

    26,387.59 netto(without VAT)

    3 in stock

    Flex MASTER FULL + set BDM Frame, ECU opener and BOOTMODE noodles. The successor of the X17 device allows reading the contents of ...

    Flex MASTER FULL + set BDM Frame, ECU opener and BOOTMODE noodles. The successor of the X17 device allows reading the contents of the controller's memory both through the OBD connector, in the Bench and Boot modes. The basic function of the device is to read and write flash and eeprom memory, as well as full cloning of engine and transmission controllers. Ultimately, all protocols currently supported by the X17 module will be transferred.
  • Sale!


    Original price was: 25,004.85zł.Current price is: 22,191.80zł. netto(without VAT)

    Cena ważna do wyczerpania zapasów 2024 roku /Price valid until stocks last 2024

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with all available protocols in Master mode. The successor of the X17 device allows ...

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with all available protocols in Master mode. The successor of the X17 device allows reading the contents of the controller's memory both through the OBD connector, in the Bench and Boot modes. The basic function of the device is to read and write flash and eeprom memory, as well as full cloning of engine and transmission controllers. Ultimately, all protocols currently supported by the X17 module will be transferred.

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    SALE ! The successor of the X17 device allows ...

    SALE ! The successor of the X17 device allows reading the contents of the controller's memory both through the OBD connector, in the Bench and Boot modes. The basic function of the device is to read and write flash and eeprom memory, as well as full cloning of engine and transmission controllers. Ultimately, all protocols currently supported by the X17 module will be transferred.

  • Sale!

    FLEX MASTER+ Protocols ECU OBD + Bench

    Original price was: 14,999.51zł.Current price is: 12,787.80zł. netto(without VAT)

    Cena ważna do wyczerpania zapasów 2024 roku /Price valid until stocks last 2024 (can be backordered)

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with protocols OBD (car, vans, bikes) + Bench in Master mode. The successor of the ...

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with protocols OBD (car, vans, bikes) + Bench in Master mode. The successor of the X17 device allows reading the contents of the controller's memory both through the OBD connector, in the Bench and Boot modes. The basic function of the device is to read and write flash and eeprom memory, as well as full cloning of engine and transmission controllers. Ultimately, all protocols currently supported by the X17 module will be transferred.
  • Sale!

    FLEX MASTER+ Protocols ECU/TCU OBD + Bench

    Original price was: 22,524.75zł.Current price is: 19,181.71zł. netto(without VAT)

    Cena ważna do wyczerpania zapasów 2024 roku /Price valid until stocks last 2024

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with protocols ECU and TCU :OBD (car, vans, bikes) + Bench in Master mode. The ...

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with protocols ECU and TCU :OBD (car, vans, bikes) + Bench in Master mode. The successor of the X17 device allows reading the contents of the controller's memory both through the OBD connector, in the Bench and Boot modes. The basic function of the device is to read and write flash and eeprom memory, as well as full cloning of engine and transmission controllers. Ultimately, all protocols currently supported by the X17 module will be transferred.
  • Brak na magazynie

    FLEX MASTER Bikes FLS0.13M

    Original price was: 6,224.03zł.Current price is: 5,850.32zł. netto(without VAT)

    Cena ważna do wyczerpania zapasów 2024 roku /Price valid until stocks last 2024

    FLEX MASTER Bikes FLS0.13M dedicated MMS kit for reading/writing motorcycle engine controllers

    FLEX MASTER Bikes FLS0.13M dedicated MMS kit for reading/writing motorcycle engine controllers
  • Sale!

    Flex SLAVE – FULL SW Package FLS0.5S

    Original price was: 12,077.75zł.Current price is: 9,967.97zł. netto(without VAT)

    Available on back-order

    Przedmiotem sprzedaży jest urządzenie FLEX wraz z wszystkimi dostępnymi protokołami w trybie Slave. Następca urządzenia X17, umożliwia odczyt ...

    Przedmiotem sprzedaży jest urządzenie FLEX wraz z wszystkimi dostępnymi protokołami w trybie Slave. Następca urządzenia X17, umożliwia odczyt zawartości pamięci sterowników zarówno przez złącze OBD, w trybie Bench oraz Boot. Podstawową funkcją urządzenia jest odczyt i zapis pamięci flash i eeprom, a także pełne klonowanie sterowników silnika oraz skrzyni biegów. Docelowo przeniesione zostaną wszystkie protokoły obsługiwane obecnie przez moduł X17. Przydatne informacje o dostępnych wersjach urządzenia MagicMotorSport Flex oraz metodach odczytu sterowników dostępne TUTAJ
  • Sale!

    FLEX SLAVE + Protocols ECU OBD + Bench FLS0.1S

    Original price was: 8,731.32zł.Current price is: 7,148.13zł. netto(without VAT)

    Cena ważna do wyczerpania zapasów 2024 roku /Price valid until stocks last 2024 (can be backordered)

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with protocols OBD (car, vans, bikes) + Bench in Slave mode. The successor of the ...

    The subject of sale is the FLEX device with protocols OBD (car, vans, bikes) + Bench in Slave mode. The successor of the X17 device allows reading the contents of the controller's memory both through the OBD connector, in the Bench and Boot modes. The basic function of the device is to read and write flash and eeprom memory, as well as full cloning of engine and transmission controllers. Ultimately, all protocols currently supported by the X17 module will be transferred.
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