- NEW GENIUS Hardware
- HASP Key
- Protocols NG: BIKE & ATV
- Protocols NT: BIKE & ATV
Brak na magazynieNew Genius + New Trasdata Slave JOINT ACTIVATION - BIKE & ATV - kit from DIMSPORT Kit includes:
A complete tool for reading and programming engine control units via OBD. A unique solution for the mechatronics.For other configurations please Contact Us.Dfox Heavy + 1 Package Pro Trucks, Tractors, Construction Equipment. A version that allows you to read / write agricultural tractors, trucks, construction equipment and boats via the OBD connector and all types of vehicles in Bench mode. The Slave tool reads encrypted files that can be opened by the specified Master. One year of subscription included in the price. For other configurations, please contact us. The programmer can be extended with other protocols in the future. Annual subscription cost: € 600 netPrzedmiotem sprzedaży jest urządzenie FLEX wraz z wszystkimi dostępnymi protokołami w trybie Slave. Następca urządzenia X17, umożliwia odczyt zawartości pamięci sterowników zarówno przez złącze OBD, w trybie Bench oraz Boot. Podstawową funkcją urządzenia jest odczyt i zapis pamięci flash i eeprom, a także pełne klonowanie sterowników silnika oraz skrzyni biegów. Docelowo przeniesione zostaną wszystkie protokoły obsługiwane obecnie przez moduł X17. Przydatne informacje o dostępnych wersjach urządzenia MagicMotorSport Flex oraz metodach odczytu sterowników dostępne TUTAJDFOX START + 1 PACKAGE PRO Cars, Motorcycles. Version that allows you to read / write cars and motorcycles through the OBD connector and all types of vehicles in Bench mode and Boot. The Slave tool reads encrypted files that can be opened by the specified Master. One year of subscription included in the price. For other configurations, please contact us. The programmer can be extended with other protocols in the future. Annual subscription cost: € 700 netA new product from Alientech- One device with a choice of protocols tailored to specific vehicle groups and reading methods - OBD/ Bench&Boot If you have a previous KESSv2 or K-TAG device please contact us. For existing Alientech users, there is an exchange program that allows you to receive a discount of up to 95% New device -> lower annual subscriptions. From now on, the cost of annual subscription for Master version is 1190 EUR net regardless of the number of protocols. For Slave version it is 590 EUR net.A new product from Alientech- One device with a choice of protocols tailored to specific vehicle groups and reading methods - OBD/ Bench&Boot If you have a previous KESSv2 or K-TAG device please contact us. For existing Alientech users, there is an exchange program that allows you to receive a discount of up to 95% New device -> lower annual subscriptions. From now on, the cost of annual subscription for Master version is 1190 EUR net regardless of the number of protocols. For Slave version it is 590 EUR net.