Chiptuning / modifications – Professional modification of the contents of the controller memory responsible for controlling the parameters of the internal combustion engine. We started our adventure with cars in this field – that is tuning of both gasoline and diesel engines. Our research experience and services related to the processing of ECU files for dozens of workshops allowed us to gain experience in optimizing software controlling the operation of internal combustion engines. As part of the modification, we offer individual modification depending on the customer’s needs, taking into account the expectations related to the increase in torque and power. Each modification is preceded by comprehensive car diagnostics and suggestions related to the proposed results. We modify supercharged petrol and diesel engines with some naturally aspirated engines. We also make mechanical modifications consisting in changing the elements of the intake and exhaust systems as well as power system components. We work with companies that prepare custom exhaust systems and turbochargers.

The course of the software modification process in our company

  • Establishing price conditions

  • Diagnostics of the engine and components with logging of parameters and visual inspection

  • Measurement of torque and power in the serial program

  • Reading the controller memory contents

  • Modification of the ECU content

  • Programming the controller with an individually prepared set of maps

  • Re-diagnostics of parameters

  • Measurement of torque and power on a modified program with logging of important parameters

When modifying the software, the end result of interest to the customer is generally the torque-power graph. It should be noted that many people pay attention to the values ​​- the maximum values, which in many cases of modified cars are available in a narrow range of rotational speeds, thus may not significantly shorten the acceleration time, and contribute to faster operation of the drive transmission components or the system recharging or cleaning exhaust gases. Our modifications are designed to change the characteristics of the torque waveform in such a way as to give joy to users and allowing for more efficient overtaking, not to contribute to accelerated operation. The most common problem of cars that come to us for corrections are problems related to too high pressure of the turbocharger or frequent regeneration of the diesel particulate filter. This is most often due to the lack of diagnostics or inadequate processing of maps, which most often come from an external source. In our company, you can modify the car with safe settings and parameters. We never modify cars that have defects or failures of any of the systems.

Check the answers to frequently asked questions

There is no clear answer to this question, because depending on the manufacturer and the components used, chiptuning is not always recommended or, in some cases, it may be operated very quickly. Having the appropriate experience, we will advise you whether a given engine has the potential and possibilities to increase power.

The answer is nothing special. As before any type of service, it is nice to receive a car in perfect technical condition, which allows you to perform a test drive and brake. In the event of any ailments, we inform the customer and repair specific dysfunctions or invite you to another date after removing the problems on our own.

First of all, take care of regular oil service and filter replacement. We do not recommend the use of LongLife oils, as a number of tests have confirmed the lack of good properties of the oil after covering distances over 15-20 thousand kilometers. In the case of very heavy duty cars, e.g. after stage 2 / stage 3, it is recommended to replace them more often, especially for gasoline turbo cars. What’s more, if the engine itself has been modified, remember that other components can be subjected to a process of faster operation – clutch, tires, brakes, etc. When we use the potential of our engine to the full extent and try to match the driving style to the environmental parameters.

We always keep a copy of the serial program, if our customer would like to revert to serial settings, eg due to sales or other reasons. The cost of restoring the car to the serial program after more than a month from modification is PLN 100-150, depending on the method of saving. In case of dissatisfaction or complaints, it is a free service.

At the moment, we have the option of braking the vehicle using the DynoPro road dynamometer or on the rollers of the chassis dynamometer.

The service lasts from 3 hours to the entire working day – depending on the type of driver, reading method, etc. In the case of extraordinary cars, the service may take longer.

Fuel consumption after the classic modification of the course of torque and power should remain at the same level, maintaining a similar driving style. There is no physical possibility of obtaining more torque without increasing the charge amount or fuel dose. Considering that our driving style can be adapted to the current parameters, we have an influence on its optimization, which can bring tangible results. It is similar with cars with automatic transmission. However, it depends on the driving style. There is a possibility of ecotuningu, but it does not bring such power gains. If we are dealing with a driver who proverbs the gas pedal with his heel, fuel consumption will certainly increase. If anyone suggests otherwise, you are being deceived, or that someone does not have basic knowledge of physics and thermodynamics.

In a sense, we answered this question in point 3. Additionally, it must be remembered that the modification uses the potential of the components that the manufacturer did not use to the maximum. Therefore, we are closer to the design limits and some components will be exposed to a slightly faster operation.

We agree that there are many companies, including professional ones, that even have more experience. Our advantage is a few facts:

  • as a company providing chiptuning training and processing files to other workshops, you have a guarantee of quality and reliability, resulting from the independent processing of the program
  • as a company we deal with detailed diagnostics, which allows you to accurately select and verify the settings for a given car
  • as a company, we have only been on the market for a few years, thus being forced to use competitive prices
  • modifications and chiptuning are our passion, not only a way to earn money – we do not press for quantity, because other activities such as file processing, training and sales allow us to function well. We treat each modification individually, paying special attention to customer satisfaction

Processing of ECU / TCU / SRS files

We establish cooperation with workshops that have the appropriate tools for programming drivers. – The service consists in processing the driver batch read by the partner workshop. We provide services related to the modification of memory contents, aimed at:

  • Increasing the torque and power of the vehicle.
  • Activation or deactivation of systems / functions (DPF / SCR / EGR / SWIRL / 02S)
  • DTC enable / disable
  • Activation of AL / LC / P & B / HR procedures etc.