The purchase should be made after prior contact via Chip Manager and the valuation of the service.
Brak na magazynieDynoRoad is an innovative mobile car dyno that measures power and torque in both electric and traditional vehicles via an app installed on your mobile device. This road dyno is so small and compact you can always have it with you and it can be installed on your car in just two minutes.
Brak na magazynieDynoRoad is an innovative mobile car dyno that measures power and torque in both electric and traditional vehicles via an app installed on your mobile device. This road dyno is so small and compact you can always have it with you and it can be installed on your car in just two minutes.
Brak na magazynieDynoRoad is an innovative mobile car dyno that measures power and torque in both electric and traditional vehicles via an app installed on your mobile device. This road dyno is so small and compact you can always have it with you and it can be installed on your car in just two minutes.
Brak na magazynieMulti-brand device, configure yourself which version you need.
Brak na magazynieJednokanałowy emulator katalizatora Lepard przeznaczony do emulowania sond za katalizatorem o parametrach: 0-1V; 0.8-1.6V; 0-5V.
Brak na magazynieCar remote control frequency tester designed to check whether and on what frequency the tested pilot transmits.
Brak na magazynieVVDI BMW TOOL programmer - a diagnostic device designed for the BMW brand, characterized by a very wide functionality.