LOKI has all the service functions necessary for repair and maintenance of the following Tesla models: Model S, Model X, and Model 3.
16,477.38zł netto(without VAT)
Available on back-order
Available on back-order
In LOKI (without additional plugin) you will have:
CAN LIVE – we can collect all data from BMS,BMB,TAS,Tire etc (all ECU systems)
The most important it`s battery diagnostic
Device can show all voltages from bricks (model 3/Y) and modules/cells (model x/s)
You can see disbalance, short circuit or cells degradation
Also you can do a quick check of try battery capacity without dismounting
All connections via CAN and Lan
CAN ECU – We can clear crash from Airbag blocks (SDM, RCM, RCM2), body controllers, HV battery and LV battery + air suspension
You out in necessary in reading of eeprom data, all process can be done as on block which removed from a car + on a car by it self
So this process also flexible that done for outsource works as a example you can buy damaged blocks clear crash from it and then resell
Clearing process full automatically – so you just need to press a few buttons)
Toolbox3 – we include this instrument in LOKI firmware, they totally free of charge (500 USD per month from Tesla official page)
This instrument necessary for calibration and service tasks
Manual updates we have our own server with firmware for updating old cars which have not any tasks in toolbox
Before 2019 firmware version cars has not any diagnostic tasks – so our sever can fix it
+ manual updates of maps – if car lose the certificates
We can change common car configuration Up to 64 parameters quantity of parameters based on model
this is map region parameters, battery type, charge type etc
We can do a complete replacement of the charging system from one phase to three phases and vice versa depending on the need, install adapters for fast CCS charging or Chademo.
Total number of specialized and service tasks up to 900 pieces on the latest models
Performance capabilities of the multi-function device for Tesla diagnostics:
- The full diagnostics of Model S/X/3/Y with any firmware (after firmware 2021.4.15, for the cars equipped with Intel Atom, the CAN-diagnostics is effected through the LOKI program interface;
- Live Data from CAN units (Model 3/Y):
- BMS (Battery Management System)
- DI (Drive Inverter)
- CP (Charge Port)
- PCS (Power Conversation System)
- EPAS (Electronic Power Assist Steering)
- VCFRONT (Vehicle Control Front)
- VCLEFT (Vehicle Control Left)
- VCRIGHT (Vehicle Control Right)
- DAS (Driving Autopilot System)
- SCCM (Steering Column Control module)
- Live Data from CAN units (Model S/X):
- MCU (Media Control Unit)
- THC (Thermal Heat Controller)
- BMS (Battery Management System)
- DI (Drive Inverter)
- CHG (Charger)
- CP (Charge Port)
- BDY (Body Controller)
- TAS (Air Suspension System)
- DAS (Driving Autopilot System)
- PARK (Park Assist Module)
- TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitor System)
- Self-tests of the different car systems (Model S/X/3/Y with any firmware)
- Update of car with AP22.53.0;
- Installation and adjustment of the navigation: MS (Tegra/Intel), MX (Tegra/Intel), M3, MODEL Y;
- New firmware installation;
- The complete configuration modification for Model S/X Tegra up to 2020.48;
- The complete configuration modification for Model S/X Intel up to 2020.48 and the partial modification for the further firmware;
- The partial configuration modification for Model 3 up to 2022.4
- (Security Configuration – optional plug-in);
- The availability of the configuration modification for М3 up to 2021.4.12, incl., without soldering;
- The availability of alert library;
- Service alert deleting;
- Valet Mode deactivation (up to 2021.4.12, for cars with Intel Atom);
- PIN to Drive deactivation (up to 2021.4.12, for cars with Intel Atom);
- Activation of Factory/Diagnostic/Developer Mode (for all the firmware through 2021.4.12 (Intel));
- Switching of car systems to service mode;
- Binding of the units to a car (REDEPLOY, VIN learn);
- Adjustment, adaptation and calibration of units;
- Calibration of all seats in МХ;
- Steering column calibration for МХ;
- AP2.53.0 radar calibration for MSMXM3MY;
- Deleting of special alerts from BMS;
- Deleting of CRASH from TAS;
- Deleting of CRASH from SRS (except of BOSCH 2nd generation);
- Autopilot firmware update;
- Binding of Model S keys (when the keys are completely unavailable).
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