Branża chiptuningowa w dużej mierze działa na zasadzie outsourcingu usługi związaną z obróbką plików do wybranych firm tuningowych, posiadających doświadczenie w kalibracji silników. Wobec tego producencji programatorów utworzyli wersję urządzenia SLAVE, która pozwala na odczyt i zapis zawartości pamięci ECU, ale struktura pliku jest kryptowana i nie można go edytować dopóki nie zostanie dekryptowany przez tunera, który posiada urządzenie w wersji Master i został powiązany wspólnym zobowiązaniem z właścicielem urządzenia w wersji SLAVE.
W praktyce to działa w ten sposób – że osoby, które nawiązują współpracę w zakresie obróbki plików z osobami/firmami zewnętrznymi mogą kupić wersję SLAVE – która jest najczęściej tańsza o 40-60% od wersji Master. W przypadku, kiedy osoba kupująca programator chce mieć możliwość samodzielnej obróbki plików lub też wysyłania ich do różnych firm (a nie jednej przypisanej podczas zakupu) powinna wybrać wersję Master. Wyjątkiem jest urządzenie CMD, które ma możliwość zakupu urządzenia w wersji SLAVE z nieprzypisanym z góry Masterem.
Tabela porównawcza urządzeń
Alientech | AutoVEI | DFB Technology | MagicMotorSport | HPTuners | PCM Flash | BitBox | |
What happens to the device when the subscription expires? | When the subscription expires, it means that it won’t be possible to download new drivers and original files and get new updates for ECM and Master tools KESS/K-TAG. For Slaves they won’t get new updates, Tools won’t be blocked | When Update/Support subscription expires, device continue to work, but it won’t be able to do the following:
1. Use newest software 2. buy additional licenses 3. buy tokens 4. download MR flash files from our database 5. get technical support assistance. |
Drivers that require connection to our server are not working. (An example: dowload of virtual files, new protocols etc) All others can work. Now the most drivers use the server connection. Older drivers do not. |
Tools with an expired subscription no longer benefit from the Lifetime Limited Warranty on the tool and cannot contact our tech support. They will continue to work on the last SW release that has been downloaded while the subscription was active. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
How is ownership transferred? Does it require additional fees and if so, what are they? | For free | For free | €300 | Account Data Modification Fee of 150€ | N/A | N/A | N/A |
What is the price of renewing the subscription if it is unpaid for more than a year? | The same as normal subscription | If you buy within 91 days month from an expired day, it will cost 960 Eur/year | The same as normal subscription | The customer should pay for each year separately as once he renews his account he will have access to all the SW releases that have been issued. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
What is the process for later purchase of modules/upgrade? | Upgrade can be done remotely | Upgrade can be done remotely | Upgrade can be done remotely | Upgrade can be done remotely | |||
Is Master approval required to change the Master connected to Slave and are there any fees involved? | Master’s approval is required | No slave version | Master’s approval is required.
It can be done remotely (from the new firmware D075 present now) |
Master’s approval is required.
The only special condition where we could omit this would be if the MASTER has a long expired account. |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Do we need the Master’s permission to upgrade from Slave to Master and what is the upgrade process like? | Master has to give a permission to the Salve. Upgrade can be done remotely ( change of firmware) | No slave version | Master’s approval is required.
It can be done remotely (from the new firmware D075 present now) |
Master has to give a permission to the Salve. Upgrade can be done remotely | N/A | N/A | N/A |